miðvikudagur, 24. október 2007

Sjósund í allan vetur !

Nú er það staðfest að við fáum afnot af heitapottinum og sturtunum í Nauthólsvíkinni í allan vetur kl 17:00 - 19:00 mánudaga og miðvikudaga

4 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

á hvada dögum eða er alla daga opið

Nafnlaus sagði...

Það er opið á mánudögum og miðvikudögum frá kl.17-19

Nafnlaus sagði...

i love u man

Nafnlaus sagði...

Ég er ung kona frá Danmörku, hálf íslensk. Eg fer ad halda áfram tónlistanám hérna í haust. right.. I need to dust off my Icelandic, just arrived.
I have been a winter bather in Denmark and though it is not as cold as here during winter I would really like to keep it up. Do I need to be a member of some viking club like in DK? (yeah..I know.. ;) ) Or can I just go to Nauthólsvík and get on with it whenever I like? I saw the info about the hot pots, that will certainly do for a sauna. (thanks).

There are two places? also Seltjarnarnes?
And uhm...I would like to be a better swimmer, im addicted to exercise but other kinds. Maybe I will find someone to help me sometime.

Anyway I hope to hear from you guys here. I understand almost completely Icelandic.